Application Notes

The application notes on this page, most of which are contributions from our customers, describe projects that have been performed successfully using SCANCO Medical microCT scanners.

If you are interested in another application, or if you have a suggestion for an interesting application note, please send us an e-mail.

Biomedical µCT

F. Paqué et al.,
University of Zürich
Finite Element Analysis
S.Boutroy et al. INSERM, Université de Lyon
S. Judex et al.
Stony Brook University
Tissue Engineering
J. Rich et al.
Helsinki Univ. of Technology
A. W. Palmer et al.
Georgia Inst. of Technology
Vascular Network
E. P. Meyer et al.
University of Zürich
Rat Femur
A. Laib and M. Burkhart SCANCO Medical
XtemeCT II
N. Vilayphiou SCANCO Medical


Geology (Sandstone)
L. Falco and M. Burkhart
SCANCO Medical
T. van der Niet
Univ. of Cape Town
Tissue Analysis
A. Laib et al.
SCANCO Medical
3D printing
L. Falco
SCANCO Medical
L. Falco
SCANCO Medical
Anna Bonsmann
University of Zürich
Mixed applications
L. Falco
SCANCO Medical
L. Falco
SCANCO Medical
Mixed applications
M. Burkhart
SCANCO Medical